RSB-7 Results

The RSB-7 collection system treatment strategy was enacted on a sewer segment processing two million gallons per day to decrease H2S emissions and FOG buildup. We contrasted the impact of treatment with untreated conditions and presented the findings below.

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Hydrocarbon Reduction

RPS Environmental Solutions LP engaged a remedial efficacy test of its Remedia™ Hydrocarbon Stabilizer product in an effort to prove its efficiency regarding Insitu Remediation treatment of TPH in soil substrates.

Hydrocarbon Reduction 45% to 75%
Pre Treatment TPH Range 32,400 mg/kg to 653 mg/kg
Post Treatment Confirmatory TPH Results 18,000 mg/kg to 160 mg/kg

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Oil Refinery Waste Sludge

Our technology was successfully and cost-effectively employed to remediate an oil refinery’s waste sludge. TPH reduction percentages were 48% and similar results were achieved from sludge contaminated soil where TPH was reduced by 45%, which significantly reduced the cost for treatment.

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Remediating Gasoline in Water

Our technology has successfully remediated gasoline in water. After gradual addition and mixing of our product to the gasoline and water mixture, with aeration and agitation, a 98% reduction in BTEX (34 ppm) was achieved. Since the level of Benzene measured less than 0.5 ppm, the treated liquid was pumped and discharged into the city waste treatment facility by city employees.

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Diesel and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds

A study involving semi-volatile organic compounds and diesel indicated that the use of our technology shows an average decline of 59% for the semi-volatile compounds and 68% reduction of the diesel. The study further showed that the mobilities of selected organic compounds are effectively reduced when treated with our product.

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Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil

Our technology remediates petroleum hydrocarbons significantly faster than microbial treatments. Treatment stabilization using our product shortened job completion by at least six weeks with a reduction in treatment costs of approximately $122 per yard3.

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PCB Transformer Oil

PCBs in Transformers can be successfully remediated with our technology. In one particular treatment, results revealed a decline from the original concentration of 920,000 ppm PCB to an average of 5,665 ppm PCB in the gel layer — a reduction of 99%. Only a residual percentage of 83 ppm remained in the aqueous phase.

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Crude Oil Spill

Our technology was extremely effective at a crude oil spill. A single application at a rate of 2.5 gallons per yard3 reduced hydrocarbon petroleum leachability by 72% to satisfy minimum standards. No soil removal or further treatment was required.

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Creosote Remediation

Soil (sludge) contaminated with creosote was treated with our product and aerated (turned) daily for five days prior to lab analysis. Results showed a 77% reduction of the lower MW PAH compounds and a 20% reduction in higher MW PAH compounds. Similar results with bioremediation would likely have taken 9-12 months.

Drilling Yard Remediation

At a drilling yard, our technology was used to reduce TPH in soil. A Phase II report on the property revealed an average of 6000 ppm TPH in 490 yard3 of soil. After our product was applied, a reduction to 138-120 ppm TPH was shown in just five days. Further reduction (with no further treatment) showed results down to 23-10 ppm after 27 days.

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